Celebrating History-August 11, 1917

There wasn’t much news in the August 11, 1917 issue of The Havre Plaindealer outside the upcoming Chautauqua performances in Havre. In the meantime, there were come gatherings reported in the Society column.

“On Tuesday evening at the bride’s apartments in this city occurred the marriage of Guy V. Shanks and miss Emily J. Stocklyn. Rev. E. J. Huston officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by a small number of intimate friends. The groom is a local machinist and the bride was an employee in the office of the Western Union in this city. They will make their home in Havre.

“Sunday School Picnic.
“The Sunday school of the Havre Methodist church held their annual picnic at Pacific Junction yesterday. A large number of children accompanied by their parents left the city at 10:00 o’clock in autos for the selected site for the picnic. A very interesting program was furnished for the entertainment of the youngsters. At noon an old fashioned picnic lunch was served. All report having a very enjoyable time.
“Going Away Party.
“Mrs. Rose Hyatt on Tuesday afternoon entertained a number of young folks at her home on West Second street in honor of Gertrude (Babe) Johnson, who will be absent from the city until the fall term of school takes up. The afternoon was spent in playing games and music. At 5 o’clock a dainty lunch was served to the assembled guests.
“Sunday Outing.
“On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Haden, Miss Lola Moon and Caleb Nystrom motored to Art Galle’s ranch in the Bear Paws, where they spent Sunday enjoying the mountain air and environments.”

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