Category Archives: Uncategorized

Behind the Lace Curtains-Friday Fun Day, Let’s Watch a Movie!

Jamey and I watch a lot of movies.  He likes action ones, and I love period dramas.  We both enjoy a good comedy, but fail to understand all of these "reboots" and often don't watch them.  Why, when we can enjoy the originals? We rarely go to the movie house.  The last time we went…
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Behind the Lace Curtains-Wednesday Workday, Polishing the Silver

It should not come as a shock that I like pretty things.  Some of those pretty things are silver, mostly plated, and need polishing and maintenance every now and then.  I don't mind-it usually isn't hard, just time consuming, and oh, so pretty and shiny when done! I keep a binder with loose-leaf paper, with…
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Behind the Lace Curtains-Tuesday Table Setting No. 1, Jane Ray

Let me just admit it-I LOVE DISHES!!  It shows in my collection.  Some I purchased to keep, others I purchased to re-sell to raise funds for the house museum.  All at some point in time are used (that's what they are for) and I truly enjoy creating beautiful table settings either for my guests or…
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