Behind the Lace Curtains-New Laptop and Uplifting News

I recently purchased a new laptop computer, and the transfer of the massive amount of data on my old laptop, found in e-mails and on my thumb drives is now complete, as is copying everything on to an external hard drive.  Next up is copying everything to a cloud service, so I can access information from anywhere when I need it.  Fun stuff!

I confess I am not tech savvy.  When my Jamey told me I was getting a tablet for Christmas, I got mad and told him I didn't want a Red Chief tablet for Christmas.  Tablet to him and tablet to me meant two entirely different things.  If he would have told me he was buying me a mini laptop it would have made sense, instead of me thinking of the old red tablets we used to learn how to write.  So, things I think are neat in the tech world are probably not so neat for those who know the subject well.

I will try to blog more in the future, but the next huge project is preparing for Christmas At The Cottage in December.  This consists of overhauling the Cottage Library, which has unfortunately turned into a catch-all, which I hate.  However, I want a very special tribute to someone very special in my life as a theme for this room, so I'd best get cracking and stop messing around!

I will try to blog on specific subjects for different days of the week:

Memento Mondays: Will focus on our collections
Table Setting Tuesdays: Will feature table settings using pieces in my collection
Work Day Wednesdays: Will cover projects of a variety of subjects
Throwback Thursdays: Will feature an older photograph of local historic nature
Friday Fun Day: What we do for fun
Saturdays will feature my weekly column, and
Sunday Dinners: Will feature menus and recipes of the foods we love.

I hope you enjoy this new format!

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