Celebrating History-June 22, 1918

News from Washington DC regarding the war this week included an article that the draft age was going to be extended to the ages of 18 to 45 for able bodied fighting men. The Havre Plaindealer’s June 22, 1918 issue also carried news that the government was encouraging people to stock up on coal this summer for the upcoming winter, due to lack of manpower at the mines. A fourth Liberty Loan campaign for October was announced, and community members were urged to cooperate in finding idlers. In Hill County, 146 men were sent off to various camps in the country to be trained to fight “over there”.

Locally, this article ran of Havre’s continuing progress:

“Next Sunday the Presbyterians will use their new church for the first time. Beginning with the Sabbath school service at 10 the regular services will all be held in the new building as the basement is now finished and the electrical contractor has assured the committee that the lights will be ready to use.
“The subject for the morning services will be “Our Victory” and in the evening there will be an illustrated lecture on “Our Boys in France”.
“Thursday and Friday evening a number of men and women of the church had a “clean up bee” and made a big start toward cleaning up the premises.”

Not only were the Presbyterians showing support for our troops in their services, but also in fundraising. Havre’s women continued to show strong support for our boys “over there”, as described in the Society column.

“Give Red Cross Party.
“On Wednesday afternoon the three daughters of Rev. and Mrs. P. H. Case entertained a party of thirty-six of their young friends at a Red Cross Party, which was held in the basement of the new Presbyterian church. The children played games of various sorts until 5:30 p.m. at which hour a substantial luncheon was served. The sum of five dollars was realized from the part which will be turned over to the Red Cross by the little hostesses.

“Honor Local Nurse.
“On Sunday Miss Margaret Bayle entertained at dinner in honor of Miss Nellie Coad a popular Havre nurse who has gone to Camp Lewis to enter the U. S. service. Miss Coad is the third nurse from this city to enter the service. They are Miss Alice Boyle, Miss Marcia Lange and Miss Nellie Coad.”

The women of Havre were joined by the women of the St. Joe area in support of our troops. This article was found on the editorial page:

“The dance and sale which was given by the St. Joseph auxiliary of the Hill county Red Cross recently was a decided success in every way. A neat sum of money was realized from the entertainment and the sale of various articles which were donated by the different members and others. The total of $189.60 was turned over to the chapter. Their statement follows:
“Horse donated by Duncan McLean, $131.75; dance $41; box of ten baby chicks, Mrs. B. W. Rogers, $1.25; box of canned goods Frank Getschel, $6.00; quilt, Harry King, $4.00; turkey, Mrs. S. E. Caughren, $2.50.
“The money was collected and turned into the treasurer by Mrs. J. W. King, president of the auxiliary.”

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